Smart Contracts and Cybersecurity

I was one of those people that used to think and say that blockchain, and the different technologies around it, are solutions for problems that don’t exist. That many people talk about it without knowing any technical details or implications, or focusing on the wrong topics (e.g. politics, finance, etc.) didn’t help either.

However, lately, I have been changing my mind. I’m just starting to explore the technology, but I already think that it is very interesting, new, and that it has much more meat that I thought. I guess I was suffering the Dunning-Kruger effect: when I didn’t know too much about it, I was more sure about my thoughts. Now I have many questions.

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Good communication between colleagues that belong to the same team is key

Some years ago, me and a colleague were coached by two great professionals of our company. I used to pass some days during the week with one of them, and my colleague with the other.

One of the lessons they wanted to transmit us was the importance of great communication between colleagues. They used to talk every day, and share relevant information about different topics, meetings, or events they had participated in or discovered during the day. While they were coaching us, they used to talk about us too.

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